GraceHug (嘉待情感) dedicated to healing and solving loveship & marriage & mental problems for Chinese
10 years experiences in marriage and relationship recovery counseling in China
We provide flexiable chinese counseling service
Based on the specific circumstances of your counseling issue, we will recommend an appropriate counseling service plan to help you manage your expenses effectively
Online counseling by time
- Analyze the situation and provide guidance
- Addressing simple problems, confusions, and directing a clear path forward
Online counseling by day
- Multi-day WeChat text + voice service
- One-on-one support to accompany and resolve problems
- Addressing short-term moderate difficulty issues
Online counseling by month
- Monthly WeChat text + voice service
- Comprehensive planning and in-depth step-by-step guidance
- One-on-one support/chat-leading to resolve problems
- Addressing long-term and complex difficulty issues
Advantage on GraceHug over other platform
Counseling on other platform
Counseling quality uncertainty
When counselors join the platform, the platform does not guarantee the quality of their services. Consultants vary in their level of expertise, creating a situation where it's difficult for the platform to control the intricate details of each counselor's service quality.
Intense competition leading to price reductions
Counselors compete fiercely, driving down service prices to increase their visibility. This prioritization of cost-effective services over quality can inevitably result in a decline in the overall quality of counseling services.
Difficulty in finding the right counselor
Clients searching for a suitable counselor on the platform often feel like blind men trying to describe an elephant. Relying solely on counselor profiles, clients may miss crucial opportunities or waste time if they select an unsuitable counselor.
Overload and diminished service quality
To maximize income, counselors often take on multiple clients simultaneously, leading to divided attention, delayed responses, and significantly compromised service quality.
Undervalued expertise
Due to the nature of the platform, counselors must devote significant effort to acquiring clients and increasing transaction volumes. This multi-tasking environment hinders their ability to fully leverage their problem-solving expertise and deliver the highest level of value to clients.
Counseling on GraceHug
All counselors are rigorously selected
We carefully select and maintain long-term collaborations with senior counselors, implementing a strict elimination mechanism. We vouch for and control the quality of our chinese counseling services.
Experienced counselors with proven Track records
GraceHug only partners with senior couple & marriage & psychological counselors who have been in the industry for over 5 years, boasting over 2k+ case experiences and complete qualifications.
Manually matched counselors based on client needs and complexity
Our couple & marriage assistants manually allocate and recommend suitable counselors to clients, taking into account the client's specific situation, the counselor's expertise, gender, and target audience preferences.
One-on-One service with limited client load
We strictly limit the number of clients each counselor serves to ensure prompt responses, concentrated effort, and efficient resolution of couple & marriage & psychological issues.
Maximizing counselors' expertise for client service
At GraceHug, each department collaborates seamlessly, enabling senior counselors to focus all their abilities on serving and resolving clients' couple & marriage & psychological issues.
Chinese Counseling Service Items and Content
Marriage counseling/Seperate mistress
- 击退第三者插足
- 拯救破裂婚姻
- 老公回心转意
- 老公出轨挽回
- 提升婚内感情浓度
Intervention in marital crisis
- 夫妻分居、感情不和
- 家庭暴力、婆媳关系调适
- 家庭矛盾化解
- 订制解决方案
- 拯救婚姻于危机状态
Marital relationship recovery
- 处理婚姻中出现的关系疏远
- 信任危机、经济权属
- 修复感情、重建信任
- 辅导良性互动、增加感情浓度
- 提升婚姻质量
Couple therapy/Loveship recovery
- 挽回恋人
- 异地恋分手挽回
- 挽回前男友/前女友
- 恋人回心转意
- 提升复合后感情浓度
- 挽回种子信
Love skills/Enhance EQ
- 两性认知重塑
- 婚恋系统规划培训
- 情商爱商提升
- 沟通技巧提升
- 个人魅力打造,重建吸引
- 朋友圈打造,社交媒体打造
Marital mental health healing
- 伴侣倾听与沟通,夫妻交流辅导
- 两性压力释放、孤独化解
- 人际交往能力提升
- 原生家庭疗愈,冲突处理
- 性观念重塑、自我接纳
- 性魅力提升、性沟通技巧