How to save a precariously endangered marriage?
How to manage a marriage and family well?
Marriage Counseling in Chinese 中文婚姻情感咨询
GraceHug(嘉待情感) unique marriage relationship recovery system, with ten years of experience in saving and repairing marriages, helps you repair your marriage and continuously strengthen your marriage relationship
Can our marriage be repaired at this point?
Encountering a marital crisis and feeling lost? Let us help you resolve and repair your marriage issues.
Marital Relationship Breakdown
Spouse Insists on Divorce
Spouse's Infidelity
Regret Over Divorce
We specialize in resolving the following types of marital issues

Interference and Infidelity

Marriage Cold Violence

Childless Dink Families

Wanting to Remarry After Divorce

Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Relationship Discord

Marital Financial Issues

Regret Over Impulsive Short-Term Marriage

Personality Differences and Incompatible Values
Don't worry! Most marital problems can be resolved
Are you using the wrong way?
- Begging him/her not to leave with humility and sincerity, pleading for him/her to stay
- Taking an overly persistent approach, hounding and blocking him/her, attempting to win him/her back through intense pursuit
- Seeking help from friends, relatives, or parents, hoping they can intervene and mediate
- Giving gifts, trying to please him/her by sending good morning and good night messages, attempting to move him/her through material and emotional favors
- Taking extreme actions such as self-harm or threats, trying to win him/her back or express desperation over the breakdown of the relationship
GraceHug counselor advice
The ideal love is always built on the foundation of mutual equality and equal treatment. To successfully repair a relationship with cracks, the key does not lie in endless entanglements or losing oneself in abject humility. Instead, it is through enhancing one's own charm to reignite the spark in the his/her heart and guide him/her to invest more emotions and energy into you.
A truly successfully repaired love is based on mutual admiration and deep attraction between each other. In such a relationship, you are both each other's support and highlights in each other's lives. You take what you need, drawing warmth and strength from each other while also being needed by each other. Together, on the foundation of equality and respect, you build a more unbreakable marriage fortress.
Correct way enables you to accomplish more with less effort
- Incorrect methods will only escalate conflicts, often leading to bad results
- The wrong approach to repairing a relationship not only fails to mend the rift but may also push each other further apart
- GraceHug(嘉待情感) is capable of providing personalized advice and guidance tailored to each individual's specific situation, helping you handle marital issues more intelligently and avoid falling into pitfalls
- Learn practical skills such as how to communicate effectively, how to understand each other's needs, and how to resolve conflicts
- Professional counseling not only addresses the immediate issues at hand but also provides the impetus for continuous growth and development
Solve the marriage obstacles you encounter and enjoy a happy marriage
Save Marriage
Marriage Repair
Separating the Mistress
Adjustment for Both Spouses
Marriage Framework Learning
Healing from Native Family Issues
Marriage therapy & Marriage relationship counseling process
Our Couple therapy Counseling Team speaking Mandarine
GraceHug successful cases
In a relaxed and trusting atmosphere, receive one-on-one guidance from the counselor, and work together in an organized manner to address difficulties
Testimonials and Feedback from our clients
Feedback from client living in HangZhou China
5月末,刷到嘉待情感老师抖音,抱着在试试的心态开始了我的第五次咨询。咨询开始老师严格要求我做提升,帮我把关每一个的朋友圈建设,更改了头像。(分析我们的问题,也很耐心的讲解我们相处的状态,需要改善的问题)这是咨询以来没有的踏实,心里暖暖的,自信也慢慢回来了。在老师带领聊天2周后,对方第一次邀请吃饭。(因疫情只能线上,暂且搁置)。在接下来得一个月老师帮我铺垫了见面的机会,且摆脱医患关系,建立了新的链接,关系明显好转。疫情结束后,回到同城,在老师的指导下,成功见面约会,到现在已经成为对方最特别的人,(从之前对方不主动联系到现在主动分享日常,从不在乎到现在会主动关心我的日常),彻底摆脱医患关系,关系推进成功。在沙沙老师的帮助下,真正学习到了如何正确的对待心仪对象,学到了很多聊天技巧与实操,提升自己的外在和内在价值,让我从不知所措到自信满满。特别感恩能在没有任何希望的时候遇到老师,带我成功逆袭。感恩老师 -
Feedback from client living in America
3个月前,在我对感情问题近乎绝望的情况下,我遇到了夜沙老师。本来只是抱着试试看的心态,但很快的,夜沙老师以她很强的专业素养让我在绝望中看到了希望,迅速打破了我的原有错误认知,让我对两性、对感情、甚至对生活都有了全新的认识。 我非常感激她,因为她的专业,她的耐心,她的真诚,也因为她的个人魅力。虽然她只是我网络空间的指导师,素未谋面,但却教会了我与人与生活和谐共处的道理,虽然我自己还没有完全内化,但相信这三个月以来我已经比以前的自己优秀了很多。 这不是一份容易的工作,但她确实是在用真诚和关爱去对待每一位学员。相信在她的指导下,你的问题会得到很好的解决。我很喜欢她,也非常信任她。相信你也会的。 -
Feedback from client living in TaiWan China
今天收获特别大,和朋友在一起做了很多事,心里有了阳光,走出去,你会发现能量慢慢回来了。老师真的很感谢你,像是良师,又是益友,又像是闺蜜,总之是很让人信赖和安心,讲不清楚的感受,好像把我从黑暗里拉出来,用这种方式是陪伴着的,很感动,爱你啦! -
Feedback from client living in ChengDu China
我的幸福终于来啦,又开心又心酸,开心的是经过老师指导终于扭转乾坤,两周多的时间我做梦都没想到,比预期的时间缩短了一大半,过程有多不容易只有咱俩知道。鬼知道我之前花了多少时间和金钱精力找了一家又一家的机构,他们都在前期说的天花乱坠,但是做出来的事儿真的让人失望,有的让我看视频听课自己学习,不然就是画大饼让我自己幻想,落地的指导一点没有,有的效果好了两天情况恶化之后彻底不闻不问了,跟消失了一样,还有不断打击贬低我让我自我怀疑的,那段时间每天都是灰色的。在找到你们的时候,其实我已经不报太大希望了,在心里告诉自己死马当活马医了,不给自己留遗憾。幸运的是我遇到了你们,遇到了莎莎老师,您太专业了太懂男性思维,把他们的人性欲望还有占有欲拿捏的死死的,还有每一次的代聊都打开了我的新世界! -
Feedback from client living in Singapore
认识这两年,只有难过的时候才能想起你来。现在,我觉得开心也有必要分享给你。他真的变化很大,我出门在外,他会关心我,他去哪里行程也会报备,以前从来不会。昨天我刚出门回来,今天就迫不及待的想跟我在一起,其实只有两三天没见面而已。亲爱的,感谢你!我真的,特别感谢你!没有你,我坚持不到现在。 我每天会带水果给他,他现在会很期待我又给他带了什么水果。会把我之前送给他的小玩意带在身上。会把自然送他的钢笔,故意在我面前拿出来用(那笔很重,用的不舒服)现在,就是我觉得很美好的时刻。很温馨,也暖味。 -
Feedback from client living in Malaysia
老师,我突然觉得如果我第一个老师遇到的就是你,我可能会早成功又或者会少走很多弯路的。而且我想过了,让自己变得更好好也不是为了挽回,而是真的让自己变得更好。 -
Feedback from client living in Canada